Tsubaki Technical Review Vol.24 No.1 2014 目次


1. 次世代レバー・ガイドの開発
Development of Next-generation Lever and Guide

石川 祐一郎・近能 雅彦
Yuichiro ISHIKAWA・Masahiko Konno


Reliability, environmental friendliness, and low cost are the key needs in the recent automotive parts development. The next generation in levers and guides, which are used in the timing chain drive system of automobile engines, can provide better performance and lower costs by introducing new design tools and modifying the current basic structure. This article introduces developments in the next generation of levers and guides.

2. 次世代つばきラムダチェーン®について
Introducing Next Generation Lambda Chain

近藤 剛司・吉井 邦仁
Takeshi KONDO・Kunito YOSHII

椿本チエインは2017 年に創業100 周年を迎えるが、その一環として多様化する市場からの要求に応えるため、ラムダチェーンの改善を行っている。焼結ブシュの製造工程の集約、加工品質の安定化、含浸油の見直しなど、多岐にわたる改善内容の中で、現在進行中の項目について紹介を行う。

Improvements to Lambda Chain are underway to meet the demands of a diversifying market. The new series will be launched in 2017, when Tsubakimoto celebrates its centennial anniversary. This article introduces some of the improvements that are under way, such as concentrating sintered bush manufacturing processes at Tsubakimoto Chain's Kyotanabe Plant, stabilizing manufacturing quality, and development of a new oil.

3. つばき 耐環境小形コンベヤチェーン LSK®仕様
Small Size Conveyor Chain LSK Series Corrosion Resistant

小林 正史・中川 哲伸

食品・包装業界をはじめ幅広い業種で耐環境小形コンベヤチェーンが使用されているが、高温・ドライ・ウェット・水中など幅広い環境下にて使用できる長寿命チェーンの要求が強くなっている。それらに応えるべくLSK® 仕様を2013年4月に発売開始した。その機能・性能について紹介する。

Corrosion resistant small size conveyor chain is used in food, packaging, and a wide variety of other industries. However, there are increasing market demands for a chain with higher temperature resistance and usability in dry, wet, and underwater environments. LSK Series Corrosion Resistant Small Size Conveyor Chain was developed and released in April 2013 to meet these demands. This article details the functions and performance of the LSK Series.

4. 規格モータの現状と今後
Current Situation and Future of Global Motor Standards

田中 博幸
Hiroyuki TANAKA


There is a huge global market for reducers. Tsubaki E&M has proactively adopted overseas standards of Motors to expand the sales of reducers. Recently, with the start of global regulations for high efficiency motors, Japanese OEMs are also demanding conformity to these regulations. This article introduces the current situation and the future of Tsubaki motors.

5. 昇降機能付自動車組立搬送システム
Introduction of variable leveling Conveyor System for Automobile Assembly Line

濱田 洋昭
Hiroaki HAMADA


In the automobile assembly plant where parts are manually mounted to the vehicle body, workers have yearned for the device to change the height of the vehicle body conveyed for the efficiency reasons and for the backache prevention. The new device to change heights of the automotive body while conveying has been developed using Tsubaki Zip Chain Unit. This article introduces the function and the performance of the device.

6. つばきeLINK®(EV電力システム)
Tsubaki eLINK (EV Power System)

小山 晋吾・岡田 直樹・植平 眞

V2H 対応の電気自動車(EV)の急速充電コネクタを通じて、EV と公共施設やビルディング、工場などの電力網を双方向につなぐEV 電力システム「つばきeLINK」を開発、2013年9月より発売開始した。ここでは、つばきeLINK の特長、仕様、導入事例を紹介する。

Tsubaki has developed a Tsubaki eLINK system, which bi-directionally connects electric vehicles (EV) to power grids in public facilities, buildings, and factories. The new system was launched in September 2013. This paper introduces the features, specifications, and actual applications of the system.


